La Cumbre De Liderazgo

In Community, English, Inmigración, Leadership by Placida Cortez and Tu Voz Digital


Mas de 90 líderes de la comunidad inmigrante asistieron a la anual cumbre legislativa de liderazgo que se dio acabo y es organizada por El Centro De Igualdad Y Derechos, el Sabado Enero 1o; la cumbre legislativa de liderazgo se dio para preparar trabajadores y familias para la sesión legislativa 2015.

Legisladores locales también estaban en asistencia. Los legisladores que asistieron fueron Rep. Georgene Louis, Rep. Roybal Caballero, Rep Christine Trujillo, Rep Designee. Stephanie Maez, Sen. Ortiz and Sen. Pino.

Escucha la entrevista que realiza Plácida Cortes con Josué Navarro de UNM Dream Team y Jaén Ugalde de Community Engagement Center donde ellos comparten sus pensamientos de la cumbre legislativa de liderazgo:



Legislative Leadership Summit

Over 90 community immigrant leaders were in attendance for the annual legislative leadership summit that took place in and is organized by El Centro De Igualdad Y Derechos, on Saturday January 10th; the legislative leadership summit took place to prepare workers and families for the 2015 legislative session.

Local legislators also attended the leadership summit. The legislators in attendance were Rep. Georgene Louis, Rep. Roybal Caballero, Rep. Christine Trujillo, Rep Designee. Stephanie Maez, Sen. Ortiz and Sen. Pino.

Listen to the interview that Plácida Cortes conducts with Josué Navarro of UNM Dream Team and Jaén Ugalde of Community Engagement Center where they share their thoughts about the legislative leadership summit.